As coaching is outcome driven, a customised approach will be agreed with each individual based on their unique requirements. Coaching is offered to individuals in their personal and professional capacity.
After establishing rapport between the coach and individual, the typical coaching agreement entails 8 to 10 coaching sessions, with a frequency of fortnightly or monthly.
Coaching session are done Face to face or though Virtual means such as telephone, email and video calling (e.g Skype, Whatsapp, Zoom). Tools can be used to offer input to the coaching process: Organic ScoreCard, 360 feedback, Meyers Briggs Indicator and Enneagram.
Engrow also has access to a network of trusted coaches. These coaches have been handpicked as they have obtained their coaching qualification through an accredited coaching programme, subscribe to code of ethics and subscribe to ongoing learning which includes being part of ongoing supervision process.
Need a Coach or more information? Contact us using the button below if you are interested in a free discussion to explore your coaching needs.
Team coaching enables team alignment, cohesion and growth, through all the team phases (forming; storming; norming; performing and adjourning)
An aligned team, that understands and appreciates what each member offers, can assist the journey towards team performance and success.
Engrow offers a facilitated process to define the team’s objectives, build a common understanding of respective team members’ and collective team’s strengths; identify potential gaps and agree actions and rules of engagement towards enabling the team’s objectives.​
Need a Team intervention or more information? Contact us if you are interested in a free discussion to explore your Team’s needs.